European ESG Template (EET)

The ESG Template (EET) is intended to facilitate the necessary data exchange between product manufacturers and all stakeholders (distribution points, insurers, fund-of-funds investors) to meet the ESG-related regulatory requirements, which are primarily contained in the Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and the relevant delegated acts supplementing MiFID II and IDD.

The template was developed under the coordination of FinDatEx (Financial Data Exchange) with representatives from the European financial industry. It is free from commercial protection rights and copyrights and is available to everyone. Its use is voluntary.

Since March 2024, the EET must be provided in version 1.1.2. Version 1.1.3 can be used from January 1, 2025. A transition period is planned until July 1, 2025.

Compared to version 1.1.2, EET 1.1.3 contains new specifications or definitions for existing data fields to enable the implementation of ESMA guidelines for sustainability-related additions in fund names in distribution as well as in investments in target funds. In addition, some clarifications and editorial adjustments have been made. All changed data fields are highlighted in yellow.

EET Version 1.1.2

EET Version 1.1.3

Member area

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